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Meet With Us

ALL activities provide ways for group members and guests to meet in a positive and inclusive environment for support and friendship.  Our core events include monthly activities and annual conferences.

Monthly Activities

Participants in our monthly events include LGBT/SSA individuals, their friends and family, and anyone else who desires to attend.  Our monthly gatherings are typically hosted in LDS families’ homes and usually rotate between locations in the East Valley area.  Monthly events include group discussions, potluck socials, and community service.  The main objective of the monthly activities is to help build safe spaces for LGBT/SSA Mormons and allies looking for support and friendship.

Hand Pile of Happy Group


The annual “All Are Alike Unto God” ALL Conference is an opportunity to promote greater love and understanding of LGBT/SSA Mormons by bringing people together to listen, learn, and fellowship with one another.  Conference attendees include LGBT/SSA persons, family members, friends, church leaders, and anyone else interested in this topic.

The first conference was held in 2013 and was the first of its kind in Arizona.  The annual ALL Conference promises to be an inspiring, uplifting, and enlightening event.  The conference format typically includes speakers, a Q&A session with a panel of LGBT/SSA Mormons offering their personal stories and experiences, and uplifting music.  All individuals, regardless of their current relationship with the LDS Church, are welcome and invited to participate.  


We hope you will plan to attend the next conference!

Audience Clapping
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